主办单位:清华大学国际合作与交流处 清华大学日本研究中心
内田诚(Makoto Uchida),日产汽车公司董事、代表执行官、总裁兼首席执行官。毕业于日本同志社大学。于2003年加入日产汽车公司,先后在雷诺-日产-三菱联盟、日产汽车公司的采购部门担任重要职位。在升任日产汽车公司首席执行官之前,他曾担任日产汽车公司高级副总裁,日产中国管理委员会主席,东风汽车有限公司总裁,负责日产汽车公司在中国的业务。
Makoto Uchida, CEO of Nissan Motor Co., will make a speech of Nissan’s history, Nissan’s initiative in China, future Nissan and mobility, and expectation of MOU signing with Tsinghua University on December 16.
Nissan was established in December 1933 which will mark 90 years this year. Nissan has passion and innovation driven by our DNA to “do what other’s don’t dare to do”.
The world is facing major changes such as climate change and an aging population, and the role that companies must play is also changing dramatically. Nissan announced midterm plan to correspond these changes and produce more attractive products and services tailored to each market with partners.
Tsinghua University is one of our partners. MOU signing is very valuable to move forward our China strategy and enhance the cooperation.
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