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题名:Multiple Imputation with Diagnostics (mi) in R: Opening Windows into the Black Box


摘要:Our mi package in R has several features that allow the user to get inside the imputation process and evaluate the reasonableness of the resulting models and imputations. These features include: choice of predictors, models, and transformations for chained imputation models; standard and binned residual plots for checking the t of the conditional distributions used for imputation; and plots for comparing the distributions of observed and imputed data. In addition, we use Bayesian models and weakly informative prior distributions to construct more stable estimates of imputation models. Our goal is tohave a demonstration package that (a) avoids many of the practical problems that arise with existing multivariate imputation programs, and (b) demonstrates state-of-the-art diagnostics that can be applied more generally and can be incorporated into the software of others.


题名:The association between air pollution and preterm birth and low birth weight in Guangdong, China




A mountain of evidence has shown that people’s physical and mental health can be affected by various air pollutions. Poor pregnancy outcomes are associated with exposure to air pollution. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the association between air pollutions (PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO, and O3) and preterm birth/low birth weight in Guangdong province, China.


All maternal data and birth data from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015 were selected from a National Free Pre-pregnancy Check-ups system, and the daily air quality data of Guangdong Province was collected from China National Environmental Monitoring Center. 1784 women with either preterm birth information (n = 687) or low birth weight information (n = 1097) were used as experimental group. Control group included 1766 women with healthy birth information. Logistic regression models were employed to evaluate the effects of air pollutants on the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight.


The pollution levels of PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2, CO, and O3 in Guangdong province were all lower than the national air pollution concentrations. The concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2 and CO had obvious seasonal trends with the highest in winter and the lowest in summer. O3 concentrations in September (65.72 μg/m3) and October (84.18 μg/m3) were relatively higher. After controlling for the impact of confounding factors, the increases in the risk of preterm birth were associated with each 10 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 (OR 1.043, 95% CI 1.01–1.09) and PM10 (OR 1.039, 95% CI 1.01~1.14) during the first trimester and in PM2.5 (OR 1.038, 95% CI 1.01~1.12), PM10 (OR 1.024, 95% CI 1.02~1.09), SO2 (OR 1.081, 95% CI 1.01~1.29), and O3 (OR 1.016, 95% CI 1.004~1.35) during the third trimester. The increase in the risk of low birth weight was associated with PM2.5, PM10, NO2, and O3 in the first month and the last month.


This study provides further evidence for the relationships between air pollutions and preterm birth/low birth weight. Pregnant women are recommended to reduce or avoid exposure to air pollutions during pregnancy, especially in the early and late stages of pregnancy.


题名:City-level analysis of subsidy-free solar photovoltaic electricity price, profits and grid parity in China


摘要:In recent years, China has become not just a large producer but a major market for solar photovoltaics (PV), increasing interest in solar electricity prices in China. The cost of solar PV electricity generation is affected by many local factors, making it a challenge to understand whether China has reached the threshold at which a grid-connected solar PV system supplies electricity to the end user at the same price as grid-supplied power or the price of desulfurized coal electricity, or even lower. Here, we analyse the net costs and net profits associated with building and operating a distributed solar PV project over its lifetime, taking into consideration total project investments, electricity outputs and trading prices in 344 prefecture-level Chinese cities. We reveal that all of these cities can achieve—without subsidies—solar PV electricity prices lower than grid-supplied prices, and around 22% of the cities' solar generation electricity prices can compete with desulfurized coal benchmark electricity prices.


题名:The Sharing Economy Globalization Phenomenon: A Research Agenda


摘要:Sharing economy firms have been able to achieve global levels of success at an unprecedented pace. In this study, we focus specifically on internet-based firms that allow rent appropriation from temporary utilization of underutilized assets. By looking at these firms' main characteristics and the current dynamics revolving around their internationalization process, we develop a framework to guide future research drawing from a business ecosystems perspective. The business ecosystem approach is a promising theoretical lens to assess this phenomenon due to its more holistic view of multisided network effects and multiple stakeholders' participation that can vary across nations. We note that the sharing economy phenomenon has spurred worldwide adoption of platform businesses which, in turn, creates a great opportunity for future research to extend current theories by exploring why, when, and how these firms expand into new countries. We argue that further research on sharing economy firms and its interactions with different national ecosystem configurations can provide important insights to theory as well as relevant information to managers and policymakers.


题名:Impact of temperature and relative humidity on the transmission of COVID-19: a modelling study in China and the United States




We aim to assess the impact of temperature and relative humidity on the transmission of COVID-19 across communities after accounting for community-level factors such as demographics, socioeconomic status and human mobility status.


A retrospective cross-sectional regression analysis via the Fama-MacBeth procedure is adopted.


We use the data for COVID-19 daily symptom-onset cases for 100 Chinese cities and COVID-19 daily confirmed cases for 1005 US counties.


A total of 69 498 cases in China and 740 843 cases in the USA are used for calculating the effective reproductive numbers.

Primary outcome measures

Regression analysis of the impact of temperature and relative humidity on the effective reproductive number (R value).


Statistically significant negative correlations are found between temperature/relative humidity and the effective reproductive number (R value) in both China and the USA.


Higher temperature and higher relative humidity potentially suppress the transmission of COVID-19. Specifically, an increase in temperature by 1°C is associated with a reduction in the R value of COVID-19 by 0.026 (95% CI (−0.0395 to −0.0125)) in China and by 0.020 (95% CI (−0.0311 to −0.0096)) in the USA; an increase in relative humidity by 1% is associated with a reduction in the R value by 0.0076 (95% CI (−0.0108 to −0.0045)) in China and by 0.0080 (95% CI (−0.0150 to −0.0010)) in the USA. Therefore, the potential impact of temperature/relative humidity on the effective reproductive number alone is not strong enough to stop the pandemic.

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