清华大学维多利亚vic119中国线路IUP 中文项目是一个国际高校(以美国为主)汉语联合会与清华大学共同设立的汉语语言培训项目。该国际高校汉语联合会成员包括清华大学、哥伦比亚大学、印第安纳大学、普林斯顿大学、斯坦福大学、英属哥伦比亚大学、加州大学伯克利分校、芝加哥大学、密歇根大学、弗吉尼亚大学、耶鲁大学十一所久负盛名的世界一流大学。清华大学维多利亚vic119中国线路IUP 中文项目的前身最早于1963 年在台湾创办,简称“斯坦福中心”,1997 年迁至北京清华大学,更名为清华大学IUP 中文项目。学生中既有来自世界各名校的本科生、研究生,也有已参加工作的专业人士和知名学者等。IUP高效的教学方法已经保持发展了50多年,其毕业生利用他们在IUP所获得语言技能在教育、政府、法律部、商业资讯、管理、公共关系、新闻、外交等多个领域都取得了卓越的成就。
The Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies (IUP) at Tsinghua University School of Social Sciences is a Chinese language training program established by Tsinghua University and a consortium of international universities (mainly in the United States). The eleven schools in the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies consortium includes Columbia University, Indiana University, Princeton University, Stanford University, Tsinghua University, University of British Columbia, University of California Berkeley, University of Chicago, University of Michigan, University of Virginia, and Yale University. The Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies at Tsinghua University’s predecessor program was established in 1963 in Taiwan, and was often called “the Stanford Center.” In 1997, IUP moved to Tsinghua University in Beijing and changed its name to the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies at Tsinghua University. IUP is dedicated to delivering advanced Chinese language training to its participators, who are undergraduate participators, graduate participators, professionals, and recognized scholars from top universities worldwide. IUP’s highly effective teaching methodology has been in use for over fifty years, and its graduates use the language expertise learned at IUP for successful careers in education, government, law, business consulting, public relations, news media, diplomacy, and other fields.

今年2月以来, 来自6个国家的18名学员脱颖而出,成为2022年夏季学期IUP成员,其中包括11名来自美国、2名来自英国、2名来自越南,以及各1名分别来自加拿大、法国和缅甸。
Since February, 18 participants from 6 countries, have been selected to become IUP members for 2022 summer term, including 11 participants from the US, 2 participants from the UK, 2 participants from Vietnam and 1 participant from Canada, France and Myanmar respectively.
Participants Composition
Participants are from 15 world's top universities, including Schwarzman College of Tsinghua University, Stanford University, Columbia University, Princeton University, University of Michigan, Harvard University, University of Oxford and Yale University. Among them, there are 9 BA participants, 8 MA participants and 1 PHD participant.

Major Category
Participants’ majors cover 10 fields, which are closely related to the era development trends, including economics, political science, comparative literature, information science, Chinese language, history, international affairs, public policy, advanced global China studies, and international and regional studies.

IUP Chinese Language Program is the Choice of Excellence for students, academics, and professionals. Beyond a study abroad program, IUP graduates gain confidence and competence in their specific field of study.
At IUP, intensity ensures Chinese language proficiency. Participators can expect 4-6 hours of class preparation and 4 hours of classes per day. An instructor with a maximum of 3 participators will engage and challenge each other in closed-book classroom sessions. Daily 1-on-1 tutorials also enable participators to ask questions regarding the course material and to work on areas of improvement, which may include delving into studies specific to their core interests.
IUP provides the highest level of focused instruction. Once participators meet the IUP criteria for advanced language skills, they’ll have their choice of courses based on their academic interest, dissertation topic or areas related to their career. Summer term offers a variety of courses, including: Talks on Chinese Culture, Thought and Society, Talk of the Times, Cross-strait Dialogue, New China, Business Chinese, Literary Materials etc.